SPHSC 563 Instructional Development Forum

Teaching Philosophy Assignment

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Teaching Philosophy Assignment Description

Autumn Term: 
We will be discussing approaches to teaching throughout this term.  We will explore the perspective of the student and the instructor, including what motivates students, what inspires students, and what enables learning.  With this content in mind, begin developing your philosophy of teaching. Using the guidelines from class regarding Teaching Philosophies (Dr. Olswang), begin defining and writing your views about teaching.  This may be in the form of an expanded outline or a more complete narrative draft. Although I am giving you this flexibility in regards to its completeness, please know that the more complete your draft, the more you will be able to benefit from my feedback.  As you develop your draft, remember that I definitely need to be able to understand the structure and the content.  Draft 1 due December 9, 2008.

Winter Term: Our discussion this term will move further into pedagogy and instructional techniques.  With your new knowledge in hand and the feedback I have given on your first draft, revise your teaching philosophy.  Remember, even if you haven't yet taught, you can use your experiences as a student, along with other experiences as guest lecturer, supervisor, workshop leader, etc. to help you develop your teaching philosophy.  Please ask for assistance from me or John Thorne as you need/want it.  This second and final draft should be complete in structure and content; that is, I want to see your best effort. Make it cogent, interesting, succinct, and of course, well-written.  It will be due the last day of class for the term, March 10, 2009.  Please hand in your autumn term draft with my comments/edits so that I might see how you have used my feedback in your revision. 

Audience: Instructor and colleagues - Consider that this might become part of a job application package.

Length: Keep it reasonable —Three pages maximum

Format: Typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, stapled, minimum 11 Font

Grading: Above average, average, below average    CR/NC

Due Dates:  Autumn, December 9, 2009; Winter, March 10, 2009.